Isnin, 20 Oktober 2008

Back And Neck Pain


Back pain in pregnancy is due to naturally occurring changes in a pregnant body:
Weight gain adds extra stress on the back and also changes the center of gravity which creates increased muscular imbalances.
Hormonal surges of pregnancy-related hormones (relaxin and estrogen) create joint laxity, especially in the pelvis resulting in decreased joint support.

This article presents some hints to help with back pain during pregnancy.

Difficulty: N/A

Time Required: N/A
Here's How:
Keep a good posture at all times
Avoid slouching whenever possible; when sitting, place a towel/lumbar cushion behind the lower back will help you avoid slouching.
Exercise as much as it is allowed - strong abdominal muscles reduce the possibility of back pain.
Respect your rest needs during pregnancy - they are increased. Your body regenerates best during rest/sleep.
If you already have back pain from pregnancy, it is best to sleep on your side, placing a pillow between your knees.
About the Author: Dr.Anca Martalog,N.D. has been practicing naturopathic medicine(acupuncture, homeopathy, clinical nutrition, botanical and oriental medicine, Body Scan, FLT amd BIA) in Richmond Hill, Canada for over 10 years.Through the internet she helps patients all over the world.

From Anne Asher

Swelling In Pregnancy


Swelling, or edema, is a very common discomfort of pregnancy. It's estimated that about 75% of women will experience this excessive accumulation of fluid around the legs and ankles at some point during pregnancy. Here are some helpful hints on dealing with normal swelling in pregnancy:

  • Try rest. When the weather is warm, or you've been standing on yoĆ¢ur feet for awhile, or even just at the end of your day, you may notice that your feet feel tight, your shoes don't fit, or just a general puffiness. In general swelling is nothing to be alarmed about. Most women report that swelling subsides after a good night's rest, or several hours lying down.

  • What you take in counts. If you'd like to take a more active approach in treating edema, there are a couple of things you can do to help relieve the symptoms.
    The first, and probably one of the best and most important, is to drink a lot of water. While it doesn't seem like it makes sense to get rid of fluids by taking in more, the extra fluids will help flush out your system of waste products which may have increased swelling. You really need at least 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. The best tip I have for accomplishing this is to fill up a container to carry around and empty it by the end of the day.

  • The truth about salt. While many people believe that swelling is caused by excessive amounts of salt in the diet, the opposite is also true. Limiting the amount of salt you take in can cause swelling as well. As with all things, moderation is the key to balance.

  • Try water or hydrotherapy. A new study out last fall suggests that even beyond the once told water immersion, water aerobics can help with swelling. Being in a pool of water helps the body shed the excess fluids through the kidneys, while supporting the pregnant uterus.

Here are some other basic tips to help reduce swelling and related discomforts:
  • Don't wear elastic topped socks or knee-hi pantyhose.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Slip on types work best.
  • Put your feet up when possible.
  • If you stand at work, try to move around slightly or get a stool to prop a foot up.
  • Try support pantyhose.

When Swelling is Not Normal

When swelling is sudden or extreme, or found in not only the legs and feet, but face and hands, it can be something serious. You should report this type of swelling to your midwife or doctor immediately. You should also report swelling that does not go away after many hours of rest. If you're at a higher risk for complications that include swelling like preecclampsia your practitioner should have explained what you are looking for and when it needs to be reported.

Whenever you're concerned about your swelling or other medical questions, never hesitate to talk to your doctor or midwife.

From Robin Elise Weiss, LCCE,