Isnin, 20 Oktober 2008

Back And Neck Pain


Back pain in pregnancy is due to naturally occurring changes in a pregnant body:
Weight gain adds extra stress on the back and also changes the center of gravity which creates increased muscular imbalances.
Hormonal surges of pregnancy-related hormones (relaxin and estrogen) create joint laxity, especially in the pelvis resulting in decreased joint support.

This article presents some hints to help with back pain during pregnancy.

Difficulty: N/A

Time Required: N/A
Here's How:
Keep a good posture at all times
Avoid slouching whenever possible; when sitting, place a towel/lumbar cushion behind the lower back will help you avoid slouching.
Exercise as much as it is allowed - strong abdominal muscles reduce the possibility of back pain.
Respect your rest needs during pregnancy - they are increased. Your body regenerates best during rest/sleep.
If you already have back pain from pregnancy, it is best to sleep on your side, placing a pillow between your knees.
About the Author: Dr.Anca Martalog,N.D. has been practicing naturopathic medicine(acupuncture, homeopathy, clinical nutrition, botanical and oriental medicine, Body Scan, FLT amd BIA) in Richmond Hill, Canada for over 10 years.Through the internet she helps patients all over the world.

From Anne Asher

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